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All new news will be posted here do to an error in the News Section.
4/7/02-By KingBombYoshi-Sorry about the lack of up-dates but I will get around to putting more stuff on my site real soon so don't worry.I got a new host for the forums so you can go there now.They have more features than the last one's did.
4/8/02-By BombKirby7-No I am not a new staff member.I am KingBombYoshi.I will be fixing more problems,yes folks I will.Also I WILL be adding more sprites later today so be sure to look for that.I will also be adding a Fan Art and Screenshot part to this site.Also I been getting questions about if this is an all Nintendo Sprites site.I will say no.Starting later I will be add Sega and some Plystation game sprites onth site for all who asked.
4/12/02-By BombKirby7-I will now put up the screenshot page and get some sprites in.....Remember keep posting or register in the forums,thanks!!!
4/20/02-By BombKirby7-I can't put the Japanese screenshots on my site after they look like a total mess in .gif form,so I will be getting American ones soon,also starting tomorrow I will be telling news of things in the Nntendo world and updates instead of new things done to the site.Keep Posting in those forums and if you sign up now you will get 50 posts added to your total post count.Peace <(^_^)>
4/22/02-By BombKirby7-It's official.Two games are being reproduced for the Gamecube on one Gamecube Disc.One is going to be a Zelda game and second one a Mario game.The first one,now official, is a remake of Link to the Past,but the Mario one is unknown.On the right is the first screenshot of RLttp (Remake Link to the Past). When more screens come it I will put them in my screenshot page. Sources:, , and
4/27/02-By BombKirby7-Link Police alert!! Link has spotted that the RLttp screenshot is a fake,I ment to put this eary as wed. ,but I was busy with school work.Also we had over 100 hits!!! Thank you all who made this possable for this site!!! Remember to keep posting in the forums as well.I will try to add in the next week or to 100 sprites to celebrate.Source on RLttp remake Pic fake: [url][/url]
5/05/02-By BombKirby7-I am sorry AGAIN for lacking of any updates on this site.I was playing an addictive Game called Kirby Super Star.Sice,I am running out of room for sprites I will have to make a sister site for Nintendo Sprites.I haven't made it yet,but soon Duo Nintendo Sprites Dojo (Title Pending) will be up and a link will be shown here.This site will just be Sprites and News nothing else.As for now I am looking to rebuild the forums.PLEASE I AM Begging You to Post AND Register at my boards.If you don't like the layout thats fine,since I am getting a new layout soon.Thanky ^_^
5/10/02-By BombKirby7-It is offical.The second site or sister site of Nintendo Sprites will be Nintendo Sprites Dojo.I haven't got it up yet so expect it sometime this June.I still haven't reseved any Fan Art so I would ask if you could send in some too.I will be adding sprites today and with new HTML I will might Actually make a banner for this site.The forums may be down or being remolded so they will be better over all.
(Test) This will test some HTML down here.If it does work it can be expected to be part of the news section.
5/14/02-I have worked on he proboards and I am thinking about just making a Ezboard.I am putting the forum up but it won't have anything else up until tomorrow or the next night.I can't add sprites since I am doing three things at once so the next time I will add the the Cheat and Hints WILL have something by June!!! ^^
Link to Ezboard: My ezboard community
5/21/02-By BombKirby7-I will keep both boards.The E3 starts up again...a some new ZELDA GCN info and screens have been releasd.Also esculsive screens of the Zelda GBA are being revealed too.It is declared that the Zelda GBA is MULTIPLAYER.Yes,Multiplayer.You can complete dungons with your friends as up to 4 multiplayer colored links appear.I will post links later as well as screens in the screenshot page.
6/1/02-By BombKirby7-It is rumored that a Kirby game will be coming for the GBA in June.Although it hasn't been confirmed,I will give out more info as it comes.
The site might be revamped sometime in mid-June and some pages might be down.But don't worry,this site will be looking real nice when it comes back.....
6/07/02-"Doh!"-By BombKirby7-Well my proboard is going to be deleted because I forgot the passcode and I dunno were it sent the E-mail to.Ah,I hated the Proboard anyway.Now my Ezboard will have to do for now.I have no new Video Gaming info for right now......
6/22/02-By BombKirby7-Sorry about the lack of updates but now I got a new message board.....Link to the Gamer's Universe:The Gamer's Universe See ya there ^_^
7/02/02-By BombKirby7-Ok..I fnally updated the Cheats and Hints section,but not really,but really an Idea.I have a large collection of Cheats and Hints Magizines as well as good sources on the Internet for which to find them.E-Mail me (No SPAM Please!) the names of the games you want codes or hints for.If you want a Japanese game I may not be able to find it,due to that the American version might have different codes,than the Japanese and Vice versa.So that's my plan.....
and remember to post at the boards:The Gamer's Universe
7/08/02-By BombKirby7-Well,Nintendo Sprites is getting a domain,but th sad news is,that this site may not be updated anymore.I've desided to start of again from scrach with a webpage builder of my own.....but I will update it often now until then,s don't be worried...... the domain,which in every way is this site is:
7/23/02-By BombKirby7- Don't pay attention to the one above me. The site that I am making will be at The new Location for Nintendo Sprites
8/17/02-By BombKirby7-*Sigh*,it seems like I am going to drop the 'New Nitendo Sprites' due to space problems,but I am still here! I've added a new Sprite Comic I made called 'Kirby Got's Game'.(More in the comix page) I am adding new sprites,but 'Save As' them,you can no longer hotlink,but it's easier just to 'Save As' them and host them.
8/22/02-I'm in school now so there might be less updates,but Nintendo Sprites IS saved.After extensive searching a item called 'File Upload' (I must be a allows me to put more sprites on the site.I'm working on the comix for this week plus adding more sprites and I'll find a page or something leadin to their location.Please SIGN THE GEUSTBOOK! I found out only one person has signed the guestbook.More please sign!
Later I will open and allow people to be afilitites with me.I am kinda sorry I didn't have it up eailer.And also I am offering jobs.Perfered:Sprite Ripping,Comix Artist,Screenshot makers (Alter Screenshots-Funny Quotes,that thing.) and Fan Art/Sprite SENDERS! Also,with no fan/fan art mail,what do you people do on this site? Ah,looking at sprites.......that's right.
Things to do:
Make Banner for Nintendo Sprites!
Add Cheats for god's sake!
More Sprites!
Make a Past News Archive!
And finally the legal crap....
Nintendo Sprites is not related to Nintendo nor indorces it by anyway.All other copyrights belong to the companies/persons involved.
Update! 10/02/02-By ...... You know who....: Anyway,I've been REALLY busy with everything and crap so it's been almost two months SINCE an update.As you know,only one KGG comic has been made,but two more are being put on the site for your pleasure and I hope I can continue it here or on another site.I have finally found the loop hole and I am now putting sprites on my site and linking them here,so when you click on them,you can have more sprites on the site.
As for now I have to have a MAJOR up haul to get things back together so I will be editing more crap today,but as for now NO more sprites will be on the server,but I will link to them instead from another one of my sites.
UPDATE! Comment: HOLY SHIT, BATMAN! By: KingBombYoshi Date: 6/27/03
Man.....have I missed my site. It's been AGES since I've updated. Well, I had a heck of a lot of shit happening in my life to update.
I've made two new comics for my update. KGG #4 and KGG #5. You can read them by visiting the Comix page. Also....I am doing a few custom sprites as well. I might update the site with sprites I am using for the comic. Also, I am thinking about making another site just for my comics. I am coming up with a top secret comic, that when it comes will be big. I have to rip, MASS amounts of sprites though, and I doubt I'll be anywhere close until the middle of July. For now, enjoy the two comics.
Also, my comics are being hosted by Biospark Inc. I am working with them with my comics. you can visit their site here: :Biospark Inc.
That's it for now. Expect an update sometime in mid July.
By Kirbz (aka KingBombYoshi)- Two things. One, I am getting another site just for comics. I'm sorry to say that I moved on with my sprites,but I might add a few that I personally ripped/made to the old archive. Second, as the HYPERLY annoying Marquee shows, is that the site will be cleaned up. I'm removing the Cheats and Hints, and saving that for another day. You can go on plenty of cheat sites or so to get FAQ's and Walktroughs and all that crap. I thought I was going to use it when I made the site,but I really didn't. Second, Fan Art is going. I see no point when no one will send you Fan Art/sprites to put on the site. Instead, it'll go towards the Comics page, until I get up the second site (Non-freesevers that is! Scripting I will do! I cannot forget the failure of the netfirms site was, I was still experimenting, I wasn't sure what to do. Damn N00bieness.) The screenshot page will have some stuff added later tonight (It's night here). The featured games being included are Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland.
The rest of the pages will stay, or go depending on their use. NSD will not go, however.
Update- 7/22/03 By Kirbz- Well, in a few hours, the old site that was going to be the new Nintendo Sprite will be done. I have redone it and everything. Also, in a few hours, the PREMERE of my new comic will be on at Biospark Inc. and the new site. I will also do a few exculsive comics for my site only, so not all will be on Bio's site. (Sorry, Bio! But, the main storyline one's will be on your site. Just specials will be exclusive.)
I just like to say it was a pleasure of doing this site. The new site will be the replacement of this site. I may update this one sometimes, as this is the backup for the site if it the new one is down or something. You can find the new site here, but you won't see a change until I am done with the pages. The New Location for Nintendo Sprites